Under Normal circumstances this blog was intended to talk about scenery and the goings on in an about Sedona, and other related or even non-related entertainment or phenomenon. But as stated in the title also says "Sedona and beyond occurences" ..well I would consider this to be beyond. Allow me to state honestly that I have not even been in Sedona for over 3 years. I came out to Kansas City to look after my aging mother who seemed to be in distress around March or April of 2018.
Just before the call or any other consideration of having to take some action, I was staying at a Nice older woman's house who let me rent her x-artroom for next to nothing,. Which worked out real well for a while. While there I came to the realization of her condition and that I had to get to what was going on with my mother even though she was 1200 miles away, I didn't really have funds for a plane ride nor was it a consideration. I packed whatever I could fit and was at least half-way functional into my sub compact car for a trip back out to the Midwest.
I decided since I was leaving anyway to stop through the Bay Area, specifically Santa Clara, where I'm originally from. As it turned out my brother was staying in the town we both grew up in I visited there about a week, I don't recall entirely. The trip ensued after the visits and forged a path along the I-80 corridor beginning in the Northern Bay area and continued for most of the grand and a half miles.
I drove through the typical states once I got going, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming Nebraska, then on down to Kansas City.
Her advanced condition progressed. Back in late June 2021, I noticed her having difficulty holding steady a spoon and spilled much of the food I cooked on her lap or the floor. At this point we had to have her wear those special underwear and I did have to help her with getting dressed, for by now it had been a several month's since she could do it herself.
Pan over to July 2021, things were about the same except some developing strangeness in my own body. I wasn't really certain but I looked different color wise at first, but I couldn't confirm it because the lighting in the bathroom put off a amber hue. Before this occurred, I weighed 205-208 lbs. The following week and (I'm using week increments to gauge this whole phenomenon) my weight was about 195 lbs. Still not concerned and at the time I thought I lost 10+ lbs without really trying. Another week went by and another 10 lbs. was shed from my getting ill with a quickness body. One of the more marked features of what was going on in my body was an intense itching. I started scratching all over like a madman. It was as if I fell in poison ivy...
Around mid July, I made an appointment with a Doctor who was located conveniently across the street and happened to be fellows with my Mom's doctor who practiced in the same office. Upon examination he found me to be
yellow jaundiced, or just jaundiced, which changed your skin and whites of your eyes yellow. By this time the itching was very intense and caused me to leave small scabs all over my body. His first inclination was to order a CT scan, to find out what was going on.
So I had the scan, and they gave me a CD to give to the Doctor, but they already had the results that was on the CD...The scan revealed that my Bile duct coming down from the Gall bladder and going to the pancreas was blocked by a mass, or tumor of some sort. It was big enough to block it and cause the duct to swell several times it's normal diameter. Later on and only about a week ago at this writing the tumor was nearly the size of my index finger. Can you imagine a finger sized growth inside your body blocking your bile duct? This was the primary reason I turned yellow and itched due to the excess bile dumping into my blood stream.
I was then ordered in a 2-3 days to go into the hospital for treatment and to get Endoscopic (down throat) and more Mri's, biopsies and Xray,s not to mention a whole lot of labs.
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